CEO Message
I write this message with Great Pride and Pleasure to share that Ahuja Group has attained impressive and increased growth over the last three decades. On behalf of my Organization I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all our customers who have shown full confidence in us and have empowered and inspired us to Excellence.
Established in 1995 at Cyber City of Bangalore, with high-end infrastructure, we are the largest suppliers of industrial and automotive lubricants to a wide base of industries throughout South India.
Result of our Philosophy to deliver the Right Quality & Quantity is our 1600 plus customers from industries like Bulk Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverages, Oil Extracts, Flavors & Fragrances, Paper, Printing & Packaging, Textiles, Leather, Steel, Automobile, Water Treatment, Paints & Resins, House Hold Insecticides, Pesticides, Chemicals, Glass, Soaps & Detergents, Polymer & Plastics, PVC, Foam, Rubber & Coir etc. I would like to convey our commitment through this message to uphold our Endless Effort to serve our Valued Customers. We shall always assure you Excellent Services.
Warm Regards,
Raj Ahuja C.E.O